Cyber shadow pacifist
Cyber shadow pacifist


  • Stanislavski’s Method – *MISSABLE* – You must pick 10 different dialogues tied to your starting lifepath throughout the game.
  • You have to save Takemura during this mission for this Ending. It’s the mission after “ Play It Safe” and just before the final story mission.


    The Devil – *HIGHLY MISSABLE* – Keep a Manual Save from Main Mission “ Search and Destroy“.You should work on these from the beginning – for further reading see their details in the trophy guide: The following trophies require special attention. Furthermore, all trophies can be done on Easy Difficulty. Each lifepath also has some unique bonus side quests but these don’t matter for trophies. After the story it will put you back before the final mission so you can replay it for the different endings. Keep a Manual Save at the start of “ Search and Destroy“, then you can reload it if something goes wrong and can’t miss it. The only story choice that impacts the endings is to save Takemura in Main Mission “ Search and Destroy” (one mission before final mission). They only have a different Prologue and some different dialogue options, but they all end up on the same story path. What starting lifepath you choose doesn’t matter (Nomad, Streetkid, Corpo). Of course you can already start working on side tasks whenever they become available. The reason is that all Open World Activities will be marked automatically on your map after finishing the story, and several side storylines are gated behind story progression. After the story you will have access to all the side content. Your primary focus should be the story first. Step 1: Finish the Story (Any Difficulty) Some trophies can become very grindy if you don’t focus on them from the beginning, read Step 1 of the Roadmap carefully for those. The final mission can be replayed as often as you want for the different Endings. After the story you will be put back before the Point of No Return (before final Mission) and can continue doing any side activities you have left. The rest of your story choices don’t impact any trophies or endings (only saving Takemura).

    cyber shadow pacifist cyber shadow pacifist

    Also keep 17 unspent Attribute Points on a Manual Save so that you can get all attribute-related trophies in one playthrough. You’ll also want to be careful to not fail the Side Quests of Panam / Rogue / Judy Alvarez / River Ward / Kerry Eurodyne because they are needed for trophies. It doesn’t matter what starting lifepath you choose, so go with whatever you like. The main thing to watch out for is to keep a Manual Save from the start of Main Mission “ Search and Destroy” (near end of story) because you must save Takemura there for an Ending trophy. There are no difficulty-related trophies. Everything can be done on Easy Difficulty. Welcome to the Cyberpunk 2077 Trophy Guide! The trophies in CP77 can be divided into the following categories: Story, Endings, certain Side Questlines, Miscellaneous / Combat, Collectibles, Side Activities. For trophy purposes it is best to start over from scratch on the PS5 version. Some trophies unlock if you do one more of the requirements, but some trophies bug out and don’t unlock at all. However, importing saves to the PS5 version can cause issues with trophies not unlocking and it’s not recommended.

  • PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: The PS5 version can automatically detect and import the save on your console, save transfer is available.
  • From here you can also replay the final missions for the different endings.


    This puts you back before the final missions and you can continue in free roam and finish up any Gigs, Side Jobs and NCPD scanner events you have left. After finishing the story when the credits are done rolling, choose “Sure, Just One More Gig” to be put back before the Point of No Return. Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes.Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (and some partial replay of final mission for different endings).Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on easy.There are also reports of Gigs having game-breaking bugs, which can make them impossible to complete (in most cases, reloading a previous manual save will fix progression bugs). Clear everything on the map first as you might be missing something else). Glitched trophies: There are reports of the silver trophies for doing all Gigs & NCPD Scanner Hustles in each district not unlocking (it’s worth noting that some tasks only spawn at certain daytimes, some require Street Cred 50, and some require you to have done tasks in other districts – so most of these reports are actually from people missing something and not bugs.Approximate amount of time to platinum: 70h with Money Exploits / 100h without Money Exploits.Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10 (can do everything on easy difficulty).

    Cyber shadow pacifist